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How to Access Courses on Mobile Phone

Congratulations on being part of the Pharma Growth Hub!

Please check your inbox. You must have received several emails from Pharmagrowthhub (

STEP1: Identify the very first email as shown below with the subject Create Your New Password”. Sometimes this email may go into the SPAM/PROMOTIONAL folder (as shown below)

STEP 2: Open the email. If you receive the email in the spam/promotional folder you need to click on “Looks Safe” as shown below or any other option that will confirm that this email is safe.

NOTE: Step 2 will not be required if the email is not received in the spam/promotional folder

STEP 3: Upon clicking on “Looks Safe” the same email will go into the inbox. Now you will have two emails in your inbox as shown below

STEP 4: Open the email which has the title “Create Your New Password”. The details in the below diagram will be seen. Click on the “Create New Password”.

STEP 5: Upon taking above step, you will be now on the “RESET PASSWORD” page as shown below. Enter a new password and click on Reset Password tab.

STEP 6: Upon completing above step, below page will open up. Click on OK tab

STEP 7: Upon completion of above step, the next page as below will open. Click on “Log In” tab

STEP 8: Upon completing the above step, the next page as below will open. Click on “Login with Email” tab

STEP 9: Upon completing the above step, the below page will open. Enter your correct email ID and password, and click on Log In”

STEP 10: Upon completing the above step, you will find the details shown below (Note: The details of the courses shown will be according to your subscription).

Click on the Arrow ˅ on the profile tab as shown in the below diagram.

STEP 11: Upon completing the above step, a dropdown list will appear as below. Select “My Programs”

STEP 12: Upon completing above step, you will come across your subscribed courses as below. Scroll down on the page to see the courses.

STEP 13: Select the course that you want to learn

STEP 14: Upon completing the above step, the details as shown below will appear. Click on the Arrow ˅ as shown below to see the videos under the course.

STEP 15: Select the video that you want to play

STEP 16: Click on “Complete Step” upon completing the video. Click on “Next Step” to continue watching the next video

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